Mario Dorizas and Dr. Michael Dorizas



  How to Prevent and Reverse Prostate Cancer  

Mario Dorizas In the next five minutes, you can get your hands on the most well-researched collection of little-known secrets for preventing and even reversing prostate cancer ever published on the 'net. If you're concerned about prostate cancer, this is the book you've been waiting for. It reveals the most potent and well-proven "alternative" strategies for treating prostate cancer without drugs, surgery or chemotherapy.

And it's available now for instant downloading as an Adobe .pdf file (Adobe Acrobat).

Inside, you'll find a wealth of information that modern medicine won't dare tell you. There's one simple reason why organized medicine won't teach or promote the real cures for prostate cancer: because these don't make money for doctors or drug companies. The proven prevention strategies for this disease -- and the real cures -- don't need a prescription. They don't require surgery or barbaric procedures like radiation or chemotherapy. And they're available right now to every man who wishes to protect his prostate health.

Many of those strategies, in fact, cost you absolutely nothing. You can literally prevent or treat prostate cancer using these little-known techniques starting right now. Of course, not every prostate cancer patient can experience a completely reversal of the disease, because sometimes the disease has simply progressed too far, but these strategies represent the most powerful prostate health enhancing methods ever discovered. They will give you the best outcome possible, far surpassing what modern doctors might offer you.

See for yourself! Here's what you'll find in How to Prevent and Reverse Prostate Cancer:


  • Revealed: the exact recipe for being 100% prostate cancer free for the rest of your life. I name the exact items you'll need, giving you the "secret" recipe for lifelong prostate health.
  • The #1 nutrient that's chronically deficient in nearly all prostate cancer patients (and how you can get this vitamin absolutely free for a lifetime!)
  • Which food skyrockets your prostate cancer risk by 250%! (And you're probably eating this every single day...)
  • Which foods are a MUST for the prevention and treatment of prostate cancer. You'll learn what they are, where to get them, and the exact forms in which to buy them (hint: don't buy the popular format of this food, of you'll do more harm than good...)
  • Watch out! Some manufactured foods contain a chemical trap that can actually worsen your prostate cancer. I'll show you how to spot the trap and avoid it in seconds!
  • Why 90% of all medical doctors don't even know the true causes of prostate cancer!
  • The exact names of prostate-cancer reversing nutritional products that pack a potent dose of nutritional medicine in every serving. (I'll tell you what they are and exactly where to get them. And, no, I don't earn a dime from any of the products I recommend.)
  • How to slash your prostate cancer risk to nearly zero using 100% natural strategies.
  • The two food items served at virtually every breakfast that, together, increase your prostate cancer risk by over 300%!
  • The one "alternative" food group that will slash your prostate cancer risk by 70%!
  • Which simple-sounding fruit extract has been clinically shown to greatly reduce prostate cancer risk.
  • The role of healthy oils in prostate cancer prevention and treatment: which oils really work and what to look for on the label in order to maximize their protective effects.
  • How to find cancer-busting foods in any grocery store that are clinically proven to slash your prostate cancer risk by 39%, all by themselves!
  • Proven strategies for shifting to a prostate-healing diet rather than a disease-promoting diet.
  • How to alter your own ideas about foods vs. medicine to reshape a belief system that may just save your life!
  • Which ordinary sounding vitamin is actually an "underground" therapeutic agent being used to treat and even reverse prostate cancer in clinics around the world (it saves the lives of 41% of advanced-stage prostate cancer patients). It's cheap and easy to buy, but beware! If you buy the wrong version, you may end up harming yourself!
  • The one everyday food group you absolutely must avoid if you want to be free of prostate cancer.
  • Why your ego may be part of your cancer problem. Here's how to get your ego out of the way so that you can accept the healing therapies that can literally save your life!
  • Why doctors and oncologists are dead wrong when they blame prostate cancer on your genes (and how you can overcome any genetic predisposition through simple strategies that really work!)
  • Why your geographic location on the planet has everything to do with your prostate cancer risk (it's true! Details revealed inside...)
  • How the mainstream press unknowingly gives you life-threatening advice that may seriously harm your health.
  • The real reason why organized medicine won't dare tell you this information.
  • Which foods contain phytochemicals that literally suppress the growth of prostate cancer tumor cells.
  • Which health-promoting nutritional product to take if you can't stand the taste of most nutritional supplements.
  • Advanced, alternative strategies for reversing prostate cancer that your doctor will probably never learn.
  • The one "miracle" mineral that causes your prostate cancer risk to plummet by a whopping 63%! (And yet most men remain deficient...)
  • The top medicinal herb that helps halt prostate cancer in its tracks.
  • Which ancient anti-cancer food is now being widely recognized as a potent prostate cancer formula (and it costs just pennies per serving!)

... and much more. This book is absolutely packed with priceless information and real-world strategies that are being used to treat and even reverse prostate cancer right now, in healing clinics around the globe.


Eliminate your prostate cancer or this book is free

Will this book really work for you? I absolutely guarantee it will, subject to the three catches described below. It's based on the best research available, pulled from literally hundreds of years of clinical experience by natural health practitioners around the world.

Mario Dorizas In fact, I'm so certain that this book will give you the information you need to overcome prostate cancer that if you aren't 100% free of prostate cancer after following the information in this manual (and working with a qualified health professional as described below), you can return it for a full refund for up to one full year. That's my 100% "get better or pay nothing" satisfaction guarantee.

That's a guarantee your oncologist would never make. Your doctor would be aghast at the idea of guaranteeing results. But I'm willing to stand behind this information 100% because I've personally seen what it can do for people. I know this can save lives. And I want you to be able to see the power of this information youself, risk free!


There are three catches

Why am I willing to stand behind this book with such certainty and such a strong guarantee? Because there are three catches that you must understand and accept before purchasing this book:

  • Catch #1: You MUST work with a naturopathic physician or natural healer. Do not use this book to self-diagnose or self treat. It is for informational purposes only. It is not a replacement for professional, personalized medical advice. So be sure to work with a qualified health professional at the same time that you educate yourself about these natural health strategies.
  • Catch #2: You MUST actually follow the strategies for at least 90 days. Just reading about them won't help you. To receive the benefits of this information -- which are tremendous -- it's going to take some effort. Some of the strategies require time (a few minutes a day). Others require money -- not a fortune, mind you, but enough money to buy the right substances that are proven to prevent and reverse prostate cancer. You will NOT get results with this book if it just sits on the shelf. Fortunately, these strategies are easy to follow. So I'm only asking you to make a reasonable effort to put this information to good use.
  • Catch #3: It is REQUIRED that you stop consuming all processed meats containing sodium nitrite. You'll have to look for sodium nitrite on the label -- it's listed right in the ingredients section. It's present in nearly all processed meats: hot dogs, bacon, pepperoni, ham, deli meat, lunch meat, breakfast sausage, etc. This ingredient is a powerful cancer-causing chemical that has been proven to boost the risk of pancreatic cancer by 6,700%. (Click here to see story.) It is also known to boost leukemia risk by 700% while increasing the risk of colorectal cancer and other cancers in the body. You cannot be free of prostate cancer if you keep eating this cancer-causing chemical. So don't buy this book if you are not committed to stopping your consumption of this carcinogenic chemical compound in your foods. No exceptions. If you want to be free of prostate cancer, you simply have to avoid this ingredient for the rest of your life. (You can learn more about sodium nitrite and other toxic, disease-causing chemicals in the food supply by reading Grocery Warning.)

mario Dorizas If you're willing to accept these three conditions, then I absolutely guarantee your success with this information. When you learn and apply the strategies found in this book, you will see dramatic results in 90 days or less that may very well hand you a new lease on life.

A special introductory offer

This book was originally planned to be priced at $79. That's a fraction of the price of a single visit to the oncologist, yet it gives you a wealth of information that's, frankly, priceless.

It's also a fraction of the price you'd spend to find this information yourself. My research team poured through over 400 books on health and medicine (and 200+ issues of health newsletters) to find the best prostate cancer solutions known to the natural health community.

Then we organized that information, compiled it, and translated everything into an easy-to-read format that gives you practical, hard-hitting information without all the confusing medical jargon used by doctors and oncologists (who just try to confuse you with technical-sounding terms, by the way).

Then we made it available for instant downloading. So you can have this book in your hands in mere minutes. All you need to read this is the free Adobe Acrobat reader, which is most likely already on your computer. (If you don't have it, you can download it free of charge from The file works on Macs and PC computers alike.

Plus, this downloadable file has no password protection and no restrictions, so you can copy it to your laptop computer, your home computer, your work computer, or just print it out and take it with you.

Click Here for more...



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